
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Yellow Lilies on Blue

8 x 10"
oil on canvas
This is the first painting done in my own studio in a long time - a month and a half, I guess! I hate that messy, uninhabited feeling any room gets when you've been away, but with studios, I think it's even more pronounced. Anyway, I broke the ice. These yellow lilies are always so hard to paint. Each year I think I get slightly more successful.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

Where Have You Been?

8 x 8"
oil on canvas

After a very long-seeming June that felt more like November, it is finally glorious summer here in Oregon. Eleanor and I have been outside - basking in the sun, visiting the sandbox, jogging (just me - she rides in style in her stroller) - and not spending any time in the studio. Combine all that with a two-week trip to a fabulous family reunion, and this blog has been stagnating - and it will probably continue to do so for a few more weeks - while I plan Eleanor's first birthday party, among other fun stuff.