
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Strawberries and Cherry Blossoms

8 x 10"
oil on canvas

I never wanted to paint strawberries before now - it's an intimidating subject, kind of like onions used to be for me. I love the way some artists I know paint strawberries, like Debbie Becks-Cooper, but it wasn't until I saw this painting by Taryn Day that I knew I had to try painting them myself!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

"Sidelong Glance" - A Limited Palette Portrait oil painting

8 x 10"
oil on canvas

This is the first time I've ever painted flesh tones without using Cadmium Red. I got the idea from the paint sets my students used at my last workshop: white, black, ultramarine, cadmium yellow, and alizarin crimson. What?! I squeezed some cadmium red onto one of their palettes at one point and heard, "OH! That's what I was trying to mix all last week with this!" Pointing to her pile of Alizarin. Truly, you will never make Cadmium red from Alizarin crimson, but apparently you can make very lovely skin tones and never need to try!

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Strawberries and Spring Blooms

6 x 6"
oil on canvas

I've fallen in love with Camellias this spring. I even planted three in my front yard! Let's see if they live out the summer - our property seems to be a last stop for ornamental plants.