
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

"The Yellow Robe no. 2" nude female figure painting figurative art portrait

11 x 14
oil on canvas

Below is a little sequence I made of this painting in progress. Click over to FB to see another in-progress shot, with the studio cat hiding under the model stand!

Monday, February 27, 2012

"Iris and Red Apple" still life fruit and flowers floral oil painting

6 x 6" 
oil on canvas
Here is my demo painting from class today. The lesson was about the horizon line, and how you can alter a viewer's whole experience of your painting by shifting it. In this piece I used a very low horizon line to create a feeling of looking up. We don't often see flowers from underneath, do we?

Sunday, February 26, 2012

"High Tea" still life oil daily painting teapot floral flowers white rose

8 x 8"
oil on canvas

I recently got an email from a local art collector who made me an offer I absolutely couldn't refuse: borrow a bunch of items from their amazing ceramics collection, and use them in some of my daily paintings, with an eye towards completing a larger commission in the future.  I did something similar once before, with produce from a patron's garden, and it was a great experience. So happy to have the chance again!

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Baby's Blocks" child's room decor painting of vintage toys

6 x 6"
oil on canvas

These blocks are not really vintage, but after two years of being played with by my daughter, they sure look like it!

Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Paperwhites by the Window" floral painting interior scene with flowers

5 x 7"
oil on canvas

These bulbs were a Christmas present, and they have just burst into full bloom. Their scent is a little overwhelming, but the flowers are gorgeous to look at. I'm thinking of planting them outside for next year.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

"The Yellow Robe" nude female figure painting figurative art portrait

9 x 12"
oil on canvas panel

I've heard it said that a partially-clothed model makes for an even more erotic image than one who's completely naked. Here's another example, if this painting doesn't convince you!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

"Lamb Chops" Meat painting still life oil on canvas food kitchen art

8 x 8"
oil on canvas

I have to give a huge tip of the hat to an artist I discovered this week while researching meat painters: Scott Conary. I am really blown away by his work, and I think you will be too!

Friday, February 17, 2012

"Steak and Eggs" meat painting still life beef food kitchen art

 8 x 10"
oil on canvas

It's my honor to set the challenge this week for the artists of DPW, and here's my choice: raw meat! It's really no wonder - being on the Paleo Diet now, our fridge is jammed with it! Now that I've begun, I think I'll be doing a few more meat paintings - you know, just to get it out of my system.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

"Arrangement in Yellow and Green" still life oil painting food vegetable fruit kitchen art

11 x 14"
oil on canvas

I liked painting this spaghetti squash so much the other day that I  launched right into a second, bigger version. Luckily I had rubbed the cut apple with lemon - it wasn't even brown by the next morning!

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

"Nude with Silver Rings" female figure painting portrait art oil on canvas

16 x 20"
oil on canvas

This is how I spent Valentine's evening, and it was time well spent, although some in my figure painting group (who shall remain nameless) chose to spend it with their sweeties. If my husband had any thoughts of objecting, well, they were forgotten when he saw what I brought home!

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

"Pepper Boat" fruit vegetable food kitchen art painting still life

6 x 8"
oil on canvas

If these peppers are in a boat, then the others must be swimming - or else they've been decapitated by's macabre, but it's coming to mind because I saw that very scene in a children's Lego diorama at the library today. A man getting his head bitten off by a shark.

Monday, February 13, 2012

"Gourd on Pink" still life oil painting pumpkin squash melon vegetable kitchen art - one dollar auction!

6 x 6"
oil on canvas

Here is my demo from class this morning. There's something about teaching that just puts me in a good mood! I'd like to remind you that all email and Facebook subscribers are automatically entered to win the painting in the right hand sidebar - so, tell your friends! The prize will be drawn during the first week of March.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

"Spaghetti Squash" kitchen decor food art vegetable oil painting still life

8 x 10"
oil on canvas

I really like this one. I've been looking at a variation of this arrangement on my kitchen counter all week, and it's been saying "paint me!" very softly. Who says it's bad to hear voices in your head?

Saturday, February 11, 2012

"Hats Optional" food kitchen vegetable pepper art oil painting still life

6 x 6"
oil on canvas

Wow. I'm pretty tired right now, and having trouble thinking of something to say about this painting! I think I need to go look at something on the other end of the spectrum for a while.  :)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Blue Egg" - kitchen art food still life oil painting

6 x 6"
oil on canvas

I tried again with this egg last night, not wanting to waste it, you know, since I already cracked it open. I love the greens that happened in the egg-white.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

"Breakfast Egg" kitchen art food painting still life oil on canvas

6 x 6"
oil on canvas

This has become a familiar sight around my house lately! Jesse and I have been trying out the Paleo diet for about a week now, and we have eaten a lot of eggs. I'm not complaining, but I am starting to wonder what I'll do when I just cannot possibly handle eating any more of them!

Monday, February 6, 2012

"Orange Tulips" spring floral oil painting flower still life and a BLOG GIVEAWAY!

5 x 7"
oil on canvas

My still life painting workshop started this morning. It's a great group, and I really had a good time painting with them. That, combined with this incredibly unseasonable weather have me in the mood to give something away! (the painting at right, that is). To enter, subscribe via email or "Like" me on Facebook. Extra entries if you do both! (Already subscribed? You're automatically entered.)

Sunday, February 5, 2012

"Peppers and Onions" vegetable food kitchen decor oil painting still life

8 x 8"
oil on canvas

I was literally hurrying to finish this painting because I couldn't wait to cook these up for dinner last night! They were delicious.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Preserve Us!" vegetable pepper oil painting kitchen decor

8 x 8"
oil on canvas

Sorry for the long absence! We were in Mexico with Ellie's grandparents all last week. I am happy to report that I did nothing but laze by the pool, and think not at all about real life! I went to figure painting night soon after getting home, hoping to ease back into the groove - and while I got plenty warmed up, I ended up wiping the painting I did! I try to think of it not as a waste of paint, but as a learning experience....