
Monday, July 16, 2012

"Jessie" custom portrait painting oil sketch

16 x 20"
oil on canvas

I unearthed this piece while searching for something else last week. I had sort of forgotten about it - it's more or less unfinished, but I like it. I like the model, too - my little sister!

I painted this from life, but if you have a sister - or any old special someone - you'd like to immortalize in paint, I'm open to working from your photos. Email me if you'd like to discuss a commission.


  1. hi Sarah,
    nice portrait of your sis.
    I love the natural light and the
    immediacy and intimacy of the expression on her face.
    thanks for taking the time to post, even with a family visit.
    been missing the daily post.


  2. Hi Sandra -

    Thanks for your kind comment. I miss my blog - and my readers - when I'm away for several days!

  3. sarah,
    I'm really missing tuning in for your daily painting.

    BTW I emailed some of your paintings to my sister Bonni... and she's the one that just bought that beautiful portrait that you did in a figure studio class... the woman with the red flower in her hair.


Thanks for taking the time to comment. I love hearing from you!