
Wednesday, January 16, 2013

"Rebecca in White" figurative figure painting nude woman girl portrait

9 x 12"
oil on canvas

My second go at this lovely pose. This time I moved about a quarter of the way around the model. I wish the studio was large enough to place the model stand in the center of the room so that a back view would always be possible, but having it against a wall affords us the advantage of a backdrop. Below is my progression - the third image is how the painting looked when I brought it home. I refined it a little this morning - smoothing the background and the chair, mostly.
click on image to see it larger


  1. Beautiful skin tones and I love her pose.

  2. Thanks, Linda! I helped myself with skin tones by toning the canvas with a mix of 90% orange, 10% blue before I began. A light wash of burnt sienna would be comparable. This helps me from getting too bright with my flesh tones.

  3. This is lovely, very difficult also the fabric has been handled beautifully


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