"Dark Dream"
18 x 24 inches, oil on canvas
Here's the third in my series of reclining women, and a new model for me. At nearly six feet tall, she barely fit on my couch! We made it work, though. I like that she feels relaxed, even with her legs bent so sharply - and I really like the fold of her legs against the many folds of the drapery beneath them.
I'm trying to move away from my usual obsessive interest in the face in these figure paintings. In each one I've focused the strongest light on the lower body, and where the face hasn't been averted completely, I've kept the eyes down and the brushwork loose.
For the second sitting on this pose, I was joined in the studio by my friend Farley. We always paint together on Tuesday nights at Maude Kerns Art Center, but this was his first visit to my place. It's always so great to have company - the more creative energy in the room, the better!
And here is the painting from start to finish:
Have a great weekend, all!
i think it was better before the cool drapery was added - the colors make the scene too gray and in the mid-tone range...giving it an odd photo-y look. Perhaps too much detail on the drapery. Your skin is too shiny as well... maybe be more selective in that area. Also, the body is too angular and has a square look. The more recent painting of the girl in chair is much nicer, albeit too shiny. just my 2cents. I like much of your work btw, just thought i would be picky. painting ppl from life is hard no matter how you slice it!