
Thursday, July 31, 2014

What Took You So Long?

"Muse of Spring"
24 x 18 inches, oil on canvas

I started this painting back in February, and finished it yesterday. I hadn't worked on it at all in the interim; I guess I was just waiting until the time was right!

 This was painted with a palette of Cad Red, Cad Yellow, Yellow Ocher, Burnt Umber, White, and Black.

I'll be painting at Oregon Art Supply during the Artwalk Friday night from 6-7:30. Come down and see my show, including my newest landscapes from the coast! While you're out and about, check out the artists and live music in Kesey Square. So much going on!

1 comment:

  1. Just gorgeous. Thank you for showing your progression into the painting.


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