
Thursday, October 16, 2014

Workshop, Way Down South!

 "Demo at Shreveport no. 1"
8 x 8 inches, oil on canvas

Wow, what a weekend! And, yes, I do know it's Thursday and already almost another weekend. I'm talking about last weekend, which I spent in Louisiana teaching! It's taken me this long to get this blog post together - I had loads of great photos to go through, and yes, a wee bit of flying trouble which delayed me a day getting home.
But I'm here now, and ready to take you back in time...

Shreveport is beautiful, just look at this!

The workshop was hosted by one of the students, whose lakefront property and amazing studio were perfect for the class - and more than luxurious for me. I'm so grateful to have gotten to spend time painting there!

Here's how we set up the space before everyone arrived:


 Here are my artists, getting busy:

 They were a talented - and motivated - group, who came well-prepared to do some serious painting.
As you can see, I'm not kidding about the talent:

In fact, I got so jealous watching them paint that I had to do a little painting of my own after class on Saturday night - the teacher's homework!
 "Demo at Shreveport no. 2"
8 x 8 inches, oil on canvas

For our final day of class, I broke some eggs. They make a good change of pace after two days of fruit.

Here's my demo, which I painted after lunch, you know, just in case anyone was tired. Were they tired? I couldn't tell! They were the most enthusiastic cheerleaders ever.

I don't know how many times I used the phrase, 'Can I just take you all home with me?!'

"Demo at Shreveport no. 3"
10 x 8 inches, oil on canvas

Thanks so much, ladies, for a great workshop! 

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