10 x 10 inches, oil on canvas
Here's the progression for this one. On the left is a 3-value oil sketch, in which I resolved to keep my lightest lights in the foreground and on the left diagonal half of the composition. In the center is my underpainting, in a mixed up warm orange - you can use any colors you like for this stage as long as you don't add any white.
For a lot more about my process, consider joining me for a workshop!
I've got several coming up this fall, but my baby is the 3-day Dynamic
Still Life class in Oklahoma City this October:
info and registration here! |
If you're looking to try oil painting for the first time - or get a new perspective on a familiar medium - I offer a one-day Intro to Oils every month at Oregon Art Supply. September's is coming up, on Saturday the 10th.
Info and Registration here! |
More workshops, including two in the Portland, Oregon area, can be found in the right hand sidebar, or here. :)