
Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Persimmons and Purple Ornaments

 "Persimmons and Purple Ornaments"
12 x 12 inches, oil on canvas

Here's how my palette looked when I finished this painting - you can tell I painted the persimmons first, followed by the ornaments, ground color, and cast shadows. Or, at least I can tell. Because all the bright clean oranges are mixed over - they would have been found in the Northwest quadrant earlier on.....kind of like me, up here in the PNW. Except my mixed oranges were located more towards Utah and Nevada. 


And here's even more evidence that I painted those orange persimmons before anything work-in-progress! 


  1. Lovely round forms. It's also interesting to see a persimmon on a twig - they're either sold loose or often three of them together, sitting on a tray and sadly wrapped in plastic here. Is that the artist's silhouette I see in the purple ball?! Just so you're aware, I clicked on your calendar link but the page it opened said it didn't match anything.


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