
Friday, December 29, 2017

A Year-End Letter, to You!

Well, it's that time of year - the end of it. A time to take stock, take a deep breath, and gear up for exciting things ahead. I'm looking forward to a lot more painting and teaching in the new year, but first - and speaking of taking stock: these are the final days of the 50% off sale in my Etsy shop.  Please check it out, if you haven't already, and share it with a friend! Thank you.

I'm excited about my upcoming January workshops in Corvallis, Oregon, and San Clemente, California. If you'd love to take a workshop, but live too far away, consider joining my online art mentorship program. With size limited to ten artists, I offer lots of individual attention and guidance on your unique creative journey, whatever your art goals may be!

And if you would like me to bring a painting workshop to your community, I have openings in my 2018 calendar. Email me to discuss ideas!

2017 was a truly amazing year. I was awarded my first artist's residency, taught workshops in many wonderful places, had a fantastic solo show on Whidbey Island, created a new website, and expanded my online mentorship program. Not to mention painting!

2018 will bring the TENTH anniversary of this blog, February 8th. That means I began this art journey ten years ago, with daily painting, selling small works on ebay, becoming a part of the online art blogging community... and on from there. I can't wait to celebrate this milestone with you. Not sure how I'll be doing that yet, but I have ideas, so stay tuned!

I will also begin publishing a quarterly newsletter soon - something I've been intending to do for a LONG time. So, if you want to be included in that new venture, click here and sign up! 

I mentioned my year-end sale earlier in this post. The new year will bring changes - both to the content of my Etsy shop and to my overall pricing structure. It's been quite a while since I've raised my prices, but the time has come. For more information about that, click here. 

Before we say goodbye to 2017, I want to offer a huge, deep, and heartfelt Thank You to all of you - my readers, supporters, followers, collectors, friends, and family. It's your love of art - and of me - that keeps me going. I feel deeply blessed, humbled, and grateful.

Happy New Year!

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