
Sunday, April 28, 2019

Pears and Cream

 "Pears and Cream"
10 x 10 inches, oil on panel

When I set them on this plate, the pink blush on the pears just came alive! 


Friday, April 19, 2019

Yellow Heels with Knife

 "Yellow Heels with Knife"
16 x 16 inches, oil on canvas

Here are some details:

Friday, April 12, 2019


10 x 10 inches, oil on panel

It's hard to believe, but I've never painted shoes - at least ones that weren't on feet - in my life before this week! There's always something new to explore.


Friday, April 5, 2019

Pink Ring

"Pink Ring"
9 x 12 inches, oil on canvas on panel

Experimenting with color in this one - Burnt Sienna and Sap Green, plus white! Proving once again that everything in painting is relative - a tube of "brown" creates gorgeous pinks when offset by its complement, green. 

Wednesday, April 3, 2019


16 x 16 inches, oil on canvas

Hello, it's been a while! I've been teaching a lot lately - both workshops and online - and having a blast. My studio panting time has been falling into two categories - quick studies and oil sketches, both for personal research and as teaching tools - many of which can be seen and purchased directly through Instagram -- and larger works, of which this is one. 

Thanks for looking!