
Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Two figure sketches in oil

"Forty-Five Minute Nude"
8 x 8"
oil on canvas

Surprising no one, I went to figure painting last night. Instead of attempting another in-depth depiction of this pose,  I did a couple of sketches. The first one took 90 minutes, the second 45. I tweaked both at home this morning.

"90 minute nude"
6 x 8"
oil on canvas
I'm nothing if not predictable in my painting-ways, though I prefer "consistent."



  1. Beautiful skin tones on these sketches. Very nice!!

    Also, I'm impressed you have no paint on your beautiful scarf! :-)

  2. Thank you, Linda! I'm a pretty neat/clean painter - the problem areas are usually my hands and sleeves.

  3. There is an honesty to these fast studies which an artist will recognize , can only be accomplished by a master painter. Skin tones are wonderful.


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