
Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Tea and True Stories

"Tea and True Stories"
6 x 6 inches, oil on canvas

Phew! What a great long weekend. Our dance card was full every day, and my studio time was minimal - though I did get in a great thrift store trip, which was kind of a painting thing since I only bought props. I tend to get obsessed with certain objects and paint them over and over again (Hello, purple plate!), so hopefully I'll have some new still-life-stars in the batch I brought home.

This is a sketch I squeezed in between huge, luxurious, grilled-meat meals. Notable because it was done using 100% natural light. Apparently that's something to practice if you have plein air aspirations.

Speaking of plein air....if you look to the right of this post, you'll see an obnoxious little graphic that says "vote for me!" So. Why are you still here? Go click on it!


...And, while I'm asking for things, I have a fundraiser auction going right now, with all proceeds benefiting Oklahoma Tornado victims via the American Red Cross. DailyPaintworks is always so great about hosting these fundraisers, and there are many many more paintings to bid on

True story alert: my house in Cleveland was demolished by a tornado (well, technically a tree knocked down by one) when I was little. No one was hurt, thankfully - we were all safe in the basement!

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