"Limited Palette Lemons"
8 x 8 inches, oil on canvas
Sold, demo painting
I just wrapped up the inaugural session of a brand new workshop called "Mindful Mixing." It's kind of a blend of color theory with my existing still life workshop exercises.
We started off with a complimentary color painting. Learning to see color as value...how? By painting an
all-white still life using No. White.
Here's my demo, painted with Hansa yellow and Dioxazine purple:
By the end of the workshop, we were doing full-spectrum paintings using only three tubes plus white. My lemon demo above was painted using only Alizarin crimson, Cadmium yellow, and Cerulean blue. Can you believe I got the bowl to feel that deep deep blue using only Cerulean?
Here are some shots from the weekend, including incredible student work: