Friday, October 26, 2018

California Pomegranates

 "California Pomegranates"
8 x 16 inches, oil on canvas

I was recently in Sacramento, teaching "Oil Painting Boot Camp" to a fantastic group of artists. One of them gave me these pomegranates, picked right in his own back yard! Nice people, beautiful weather, and the neighborhood I was in, Oak Park, was lovely. What a great visit!

Here's my value study, made with Procreate on the iPad:

If you're curious about just what "Oil Painting Boot Camp" might entail, you'll have several opportunities to find out in 2019 - including another in Sacramento in May, and on Bainbridge Island, Washington - a FOUR day version - in April.

And if you'd like me to visit your home town for a workshop, please get in touch. :)

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