"Teacup Demo at Shreveport"
8 x 8 inches, oil on canvas
My second workshop in Shreveport, Louisiana
(read all about the first one here) was a group who'd painted with me last
October. Besides being incredibly flattered that they'd come back for more, I was excited to see how their work had progressed, and try out some new ideas!
We worked on edges, paint handling, color mixing, and stroke economy....
...we took a field trip to the art supply store, and had a varnishing demonstration.
(I got the baby!) |
On the last day of the workshop, we set up a new, large still life, and used limited palettes - one of each of the primary colors, plus white. Below right you can see my demo palette: I chose Alizarin Crimson, Cerulean Blue, and Yellow Ocher.
My painting had very muted yellows, as a result, but the color harmony was automatic. We all learned a ton about the unique properties of the three colors we chose!
"Limited Palette demo at Shreveport"
9x12" oil on canvas
Thanks, Ladies, for being such a great group! Can't wait until the next time.