A two-for-one blog post today! I didn't really begin painting "Bound" intending to do a follow-up, but the more I got into those gorgeous leaves, the more I wanted to try them from the other direction - and slice one in half. Those leaves were pure joy to paint, from both angles!
I've been hosting a week of daily painting on Instagram, and this was my effort for Day 4! Check out the hashtag #sarahsedwickseveninseven to see what others have been up to. Great stuff!
I painted this one with a slightly wacky limited palette: cadmium orange, alizarin crimson, and phthalo green!
If you're wondering how on earth that works, perhaps you'd like to join me for an "Oil Painting Boot Camp" workshop and find out! My next one is in beautiful Tubac, Arizona, December 6-8th, and registration just opened! More info here.