Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Tangerine Tumble

 gold ribbon painting oranges still life art
"Tangerine Tumble"
9 x 12 inches, oil on canvas

Here's this one in-progress, from sketchbook to underpainting to color. The sketch was fun - ballpoint pen, black sharpie, and white Pitt pen on tan paper! Here's the sketchbook I used

work in progress oil painting still life sedwick 
I recently did a little interview for the blog #artcrushxo. Kim shares so many diverse and interesting artists, it was an honor to be invited to contribute! 

Monday, January 29, 2018

Chunky Lemons

"Chunky Lemons"
8 x 10 inches, oil on canvas

This painting really stands out from across the room, even though it's only eight inches tall. I have it on a wall with some of my larger, recent works, and it grabs my eye every time!

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Simple is Best

"A Small Bowl of Oranges"
8 x 8 inches, oil on canvas

This little painting makes me happy. Sometimes simple is best.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A New Tarot Series Painting

 "The Juggler"
12 x 16 inches, oil on canvas

The two of pentacles is all about juggling life's priorities. "There is a tendency to be distracted by day-to-day affairs and general busy-ness, so prioritizing your activities and carefully managing your time is essential." A good thought for anyone at any time, but particularly for artists. How do we do the thing we love - the thing we most want to do - but which doesn't necessarily get dinner served on time? Deciding to make painting a priority and balancing your life around that goal is a topic that comes up frequently with my online mentorship students. Self-motivation is endless and fascinating.

But, of course, I chose the juggler for this painting because of the way the round yellow shapes of his pentacles mirror the shapes of the two oranges. The significance, reliably, follows.  😉

The black-and-white oil study for this one is also available, here.

Thanks for looking!

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Red Ribbon

 "Red Ribbon"
10 x 10 inches, oil on canvas

 Well, I got some new ribbon. I'm not going to go so far as to call it an obsession, but it's now officially a phase. It's just so - flexible! As a compositional element, I mean. In this painting, I'm loving the little arrows of light pointing to the "kiss" where the ribbon and apple meet. The longer I paint, the more I realize that I'm not painting objects - or even colors, but simply light and the effects of light.

The sketch for this one was a quickie - ballpoint pen! 

Do you ever sketch in ballpoint pen? There always seems to be one handy.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Purple Coil

"Purple Coil"
12 x 12 inches, oil on canvas

When I posted this color scheme on Instagram, a friend in Louisiana shouted, "Mardi Gras!" I'm fascinated by the psychology of color - especially color combinations, and why some appeal to us and others don't. Purple and green is one of my favorite combos - and orange completes the triad of secondary colors.  
Fun fact: did you know that in ancient Rome, purple dye was made from snails? 

Sketch for "Purple Coil"
oil paint on Arches oil paper
approx. 8 x 8 inches, unframed

Friday, January 19, 2018

Blue Diamond

"Blue Diamond"
12 x 16 inches, oil on canvas

I've been getting a lot of questions about my Tarot series paintings - mostly, are there more of them? For now, no - there are only the three. But who knows what this weekend will bring in the studio?

I really want to insert a pun here about whatever's 'in the cards,' but nothing's coming to me. Stay tuned!

Monday, January 15, 2018

Lemon Light, and Black and White

"Lemon Light"
10 x 10 inches, oil on canvas

This is the third time I've painted this little green glass. I found it in a labyrinthine antique mall in Oklahoma City the last time I taught there, and it's rapidly becoming a favorite still life object. 

I like it for its form and color, but most of all for the light patterns it casts into its shadow.

There's a time-lapse video of the beginning stages of this painting on Instagram. Check it out!

The black and white sketch for this piece is a fun one - but I'm biased. I think all my black and white sketches are fun!

$100 (unframed)

Friday, January 12, 2018

The Star

painting still life tarot art sarah sedwick
 "The Star"
10 x 20 inches, oil on canvas

"When the Star appears in a Tarot reading, be open to new ideas and growth. Listen to the still small voice within." 

I love the star card. I chose it for this painting because the shape of the star echoes the rays of light cast by the green glass cup.
tarot card painting still life sarah sedwick

"There is a deeper spiritual journey that you are going through which is all about bringing greater meaning and purpose into your life and renewing your inner energy." 

I did feel I was on a spiritual journey as I was creating these Tarot card paintings. I rented a beautiful studio at the Oregon coast during the week before Christmas, and did nothing but paint and sleep. It was really a gift to myself, spending time there. I feel I am beginning the year with new inspiration - the promises of the Star card coming true!

Monday, January 8, 2018

Wheel of Fortune

 "Around the Wheel"
12 x 12 inches, oil on canvas

The Tarot card in this painting is "The Wheel of Fortune." I've been choosing the cards for this series of paintings randomly - or rather, not randomly, but not due to any knowledge or prior research on their meanings. I've been choosing them like I choose most of my still life objects - for their colors and shapes, the visual elements they add to a composition. 

Looking up "The Wheel of Fortune" once the painting was finished, I read: "The Wheel of Fortune speaks of a pivotal point in your life, where new options become possible. The appearance of the Wheel of Fortune shows that change is not only likely to happen, it is certain to happen, and soon."

....A solid sentiment for the new year, eh? And I thought this painting was just about circles and triangles!

Black and White study for this piece, oil on Arches oil paper, approx. 8x8". NFS.

Saturday, January 6, 2018

The Hermit

"The Hermit"
10 x 10 inches, oil on canvas

The four stages of this painting: still life setup, value study, underpainting, and finish! 

 This is a pretty simple composition, but I find it very satisfying. That grouping of lemons on the plate, seen through the viewfinder, makes me want to paint the whole thing all over again. Something about it just clicks in my eyes. 

Value study, oil paint on Arches oil paper, approx. 8x8 inches:


Friday, January 5, 2018

Over the Moon

 "Over the Moon"
12 x 16 inches, oil on canvas

I've been making some paintings recently that include Tarot cards. I don't know much about Tarot, but I like the iconography. The meanings of each card are so open ended; I enjoy reading about each one and thinking about how they apply to the imagery in my paintings. The still life comes first, the possible meanings come later. That's always the way it is with me. My paintings aren't narrative - if I try to set up a still life with "meaning," it always falls flat. I approach them with a focus on the formal/visual elements, and the meaning comes as I'm painting - if it comes. Sometimes, a painting really is just about shapes and colors. 

The card in this one is "The Moon." You can read about it here.

Here is the value study for this piece. It's approximately 8x10, oil paint on Arches oil paper:
